Announcing AntiMatter V1 Product Launch

2 min readMar 31, 2021


It has been less than two months since AntiMatter had its TGE and we are excited to announce that we have finished the Antimatter V1 product. Thank you for your support and patience! We are ready to innovate the derivate and options space.

Mainnet launch will be launched in several phases to ensure proper testing and community feedback.

Phase 1: Testing (within 2 weeks)

  • The product is launched on Ropston and Rinkeby Testnet for public testing, experimentation, and education. The product on Testnet will be exactly the same as the product on Ethereum's main net. The community can report potential bugs during this period for which they will be rewarded. This test period will run for a total of 1 to 2 weeks.
  • This phase will allow us to test the mathematic models to extremes and allow us to improve and patch potential bugs based on community feedback.
  • Auditing reports will be concluded during the testing phase.

Phase 2: Launch on ETH mainnet (within 2 weeks)

  • Full v1 product launch on ETH mainnet with liquidity option mining.

Phase 3:

  • The end goal for AntiMatter is for everyone to be able to create Perpetual options, just like Uniswap allows everyone to list tokens for trading. The V1 contract already enables this feature, but we think the frontend should take a gradual approach in order not to become overwhelming.
  • Currently, we only allow USDT for option generation. Our next goal is to enable all stablecoins as option generation deposits. This will be made possible by creating a basket container for all stablecoins.
  • Enable cross-chain options which we will deploy versions for BSC, HECO and other EVM compatible chains.

AntiMatter V1 Testing Guide:

Full in-depth testing guide can be found here

You can access testnet through

Smart contracts and data needed for advanced testing:

Ropsten Network:

Call Token Contract Address: (0x1da4a25ae837259cb2f14e362ba94af015f77d7d) ,

Put Token Contract Address:



Proxy Factory:(0x60d0769c4940ca58648c0aa34ecdf390a10f272e)

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