Antimatter B2 — Configurations & Features

3 min readJul 26, 2022



A modern blockchain environment can be technically divided into two components:

The underlying platform and the upper layer application, which complement and promote each other.

The underlying platform provides the basis for the upper layer application, while the prosperity of the upper layer application drives the development of the underlying platform.

Looking back at the history of blockchain platform development, from Bitcoin in 2009 to Ethereum in 2015 we have seen a lot of changes and various decentralized applications began to blossom.

Ethereum supports the Turing complete programming language — Solidity, with the goal of creating a world computer. But later on, as we all saw, the subsequent applications were greatly limited by the performance of Ethereum. This led to the emergence of many competing Layer1 chains, such as Solana, Algorand, etc.

We also see an upsurge of Layer2 solutions, such as sidechains, rollups, and other types of approaches, as well as Ether’s own iteration — the Merge (2.0). Blockchain is in need of scalability solutions.

All of these solutions are still evolving, and the performance issues of Ethereum have not been completely solved yet. The ecological construction of the sidechain itself is a big problem, and there are a lot of security risks. We have seen many attacks on cross-chain bridges in the news.

Rollup solutions are divided into Optimistic Rollup and Zk-Rollup. Optimistic Rollup has long waiting times for transactions and fund withdrawal, while the Zk-Rollup solution is not popular yet. There is no specific time for the Ethereum 2.0 version to go live, although rumored dates are this year September.

Antimatter’s vision is to make DeFi financial products that serve global users and make financial services easily and quickly available to users around the world. Antimatter already has a number of popular financial products such as Dual Investment, Sharkfin, Bull & Bear, etc. and continues to create new innovative products.

B2 Configurations ⚙

In order to make it more convenient, fast and easy for more users to experience Antimatter’s services, we are preparing to launch a chain dedicated to serving Antimatter’s financial products, a financial blockchain — Antimatter B2.

B2 chain is a very lightweight chain, designed for a completely different purpose and use than existing blockchains, streamlining the most financial-related core functions of the blockchain:

1. B2 has only one token, $MATTER, and no other ERC20 tokens are allowed to be issued.

2. Only $MATTER is for transferring assets between B2 chain and other chains, and users can easily transfer $MATTER to and from B2 chain through cross-chain bridges and exchanges.

3. B2 remains compatible with Solidity and basic EVM functionalities, so that it can support Antimatter’s financial applications. Only Antimatter’s DApps are available.

4. $MATTER tokens on B2 are used to pay gas fees, which are used to reward verifier nodes.

5. B2 gas fees are extremely low, nearly zero, to ensure that all products can be used conveniently and nearly for free.

6. $MATTER tokens on B2 can be staked by validators and delegators. Staking a certain number of $MATTER is a prerequisite for becoming a verifier node, and depending on the size of stake, $MATTER will be rewarded by the system.

7. $MATTER supports the underlying community DAO function and enables the voting and nomination of new applications and requests for new B2 nodes.

B2 chain is the first uniquely featured financial chain, a bold attempt to tilt the blockchain platform toward financial applications. This approach avoids the problem of difficult community construction of side chains and minimizes the risk for side chain and cross-chain bridge funds, while retaining the decentralized blockchain characteristics and the compatibility of Solidity, thus achieving the purpose of truly serving users and ensuring security of user assets.

B2 Modifications

We ensure the configurations by:

  • Modifying the authentication detection mechanism so that contract deployment is restricted by a whitelist, and only authorized people can deploy contracts.
  • Modifying the consensus mechanism so that the addition of verifier nodes is controlled, similar to the nature of a federated chain — this will be done later.
  • Modifying the gas setting in EVM to adjust the parameter to a very low level
  • Modifying the consensus mechanism and genesis settings to release annualized revenue periodically.
  • Implementing a cross-chain bridge and modifying the contract to limit the total amount of $MATTER that can be transferred out each day.

