AntiMatter Deployed on Binance Smart Chain | Innovative BNB DEX Derivatives

2 min readOct 11, 2021


October 11, 2021 — We are excited to announce that AntiMatter has completed its deployment on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), one of the fastest-growing and developed EVM ecosystem with a huge volume of quality projects thriving on it. AntiMatter mainnet with $BNB/$USDT perpetual options went fully live on BSC on Oct. 8th, allowing users to enjoy a friction-free and efficient trading experience.

Seeing the recent explosive growth of BSC, we have decided to leverage this scalable, low cost, secure and lively ecosystem chain to our AntiMatter ecosystem. We believe this decision will support further adoption of decentralized financial products such as on-chain perpetual options.

With Antimatter on BSC, users can now buy/redeem call and put options of tokens with very low costs. Users can also trade on-chain perpetual options for profit tradings or to hedge their positions on tokens on BSC.

About BSC

Binance is most probably the largest digital asset exchange in the world. The exchange is known for its continuous innovations, bringing new products to the market, and new options for purchasing and trading digital assets. But, Binance isn’t just a centralized exchange, it is a whole ecosystem of blockchain and financial products. Binance Smart Chain has a smart contract feature and compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Since launched, it has attracted many DApps including DeFi, games, etc.

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About AntiMatter

Antimatter is a hub for decentralized on-chain financial products (such as derivatives and financial NFTs). One of our first innovations is the non-oracle based perpetual options. Being community driven, innovative and simple forms the core of AntiMatter.

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