B2 Development Update —Getting Closer

2 min readAug 16, 2022


It’s time for another update on B2 development! Since last time we made a lot of progress and finished some functions.

What have we accomplished?

In our last medium post we laid out the objectives we would work on for B2.

Our whitelist system is now fully completed. This means we now have a system in place that only allows certain addresses to deploy smart contracts onto B2. These addresses are to be managed by governance.

Furthermore we now have deployed another testnet that employs all our newly made configurations.

This also means that our old testnet and its links are no longer relevant.

What has to be done still?

We are still working on the deployment environment for B2, which will make it easier to develop on B2, as it introduces automation to our deploying process.

Additionally, bridging discussions with Celer Network have almost concluded and we’ll have it set in stone soon.

Lastly we are still working on the ecosystem of B2, meaning easy access to cross-chain bridging, governance, DApps, staking and faucets. This also includes user guides and tutorials.

Accompany us on our journey, we keep building!

About Antimatter

Antimatter is a hub for decentralized on-chain financial products, such as DeFi derivatives and financial NFTs. Antimatter B2 is a low-gas BNB sidechain that facilitates Antimatter DApps. Being community driven, innovative and simple forms the core of Antimatter.

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